Student Nurse Network
About the Hub
A hub can be described as a 'place' that forms the center of an activity or region. In this case a the hub is a network for student nurses from across the world.
The Hub - Student Nurse Network aims to provide student nurses with access to a range of useful learning resources, examples of best practice and stimulate discussion around the preparation of nurses to meet the changing needs of health service users. The Hub also hopes to bring student nurses together to share their concerns and experiences and ask questions of their education providers.
The need for a student nurse network was identified by Bill Deans and based on his experience in the development and provision of online resources and websites for undergraduate nursing students.
As well as providing an information and communication platform for students, the Hub hopes to encourage Higher Education Institutes involved in nurse education to provide links to their education resources and expertise and share it with the global community of student nurses.
The HUB - Student Nurse Network is a not-for-profit service and does not ask for or seek any payment or financial reimbursement.